If you have experienced the emotions of realizing that a loved one with dementia has wandered, or know someone who has, you understand why the TECH (To Ensure they Come Home) program is valued by many in the community.

The Help Home program is designed to help the person with dementia return home safely with less anxiety and worry. It begins with a county database.

The Help Home program is designed to help the person with dementia return home safely with less anxiety and worry. It begins with a county database.
The Personal I.D. bracelet is available to be worn by the person living with dementia, and possibly their caregiver. It provides support for the person beginning with the earlier stages of dementia to continue to be active.
The Nugget provides the same information as the bracelet but is in the form of a slider for your smart watch but can also be worn on shoelaces and more.
If your loved one is mobile and has demonstrated regular attempts to wander you may want to consider the Miles for Memories G.P.S. watch. The watch does include all the personal contact information for the emergency contact but also provides the G.P.S. location of a loved one in real time.
Bring the success of the Help Home program to your community. Schedule on-site training. The four-hour training includes learning how to activate each device as well as how to begin a program in your community. Contact us for further details at [email protected] or (269) 979-1412.
Use this when on an outing with your loved one. Imagine that you turned for just a moment and they are no longer standing there. Utilize the world’s best-selling Bluetooth tracker to ring your loved one to find them instantly within 250 feet. Operates from a free app on your Apple or Android phone. Attach the Mile-Tile to your loved ones keys, purse, backpack, drop in their pocket, and more.
This product is for the caregiver with a loved one living with dementia? The medical symbol will alert emergency responders that it contains medical-related information. Emergency responders can gain information from a scan using the photo app on your smartphone or by using the "tap" feature. All devices include the plus program for one year.
This 16-page booklet will share the information that we regularly get asked about in a condensed format and includes a resources pages for more information. Additional information explaining dementia; a case for screening and diagnosis; technology supports for the wanderer; solutions for the caregiver; and teaching youth about dementia.
This 24-page coloring book addresses concerns that youth experience when a loved one has dementia. In the back there is additional information for adults. This coloring book is supported by our youth video series found on YouTube at https://youtu.be/aiYDhV4nkYo